It may surprise you to learn that when a martial arts club issues a grade, in the most part, it’s worth is purely the merit and word of the club writing the certificate. We don’t think that’s good enough, and that’s when the Lifetime Student Grading Register (LSGR) comes in.
Five Towns Ju Jitsu Ryu is a British Martial Arts Boxing Association (BMABA) registered club and our Chief Instructor has the unique ability to formally register student grades on their LSGR.
It is a UK register of martial artists, and records a student’s grades and progressions in real-time, for life. The secure records can only be changed by the ‘owning instructor’ – meaning the instructor to whom a student is registered and licenced. This produces the very first form of checkable register of grade in the UK. This is crucial, as it makes clubs accountable to their students but also provides a genuinely recognised national grade that a student can take with them, should they relocate or develop in their martial arts study. Any grade issued to the LSGR is recognised by the British Martial Arts & Boxing Association (BMABA) and there is no expiry to how long the grade remains valid.